After SANDAG Eliminates Promised Road Expansion Projects, DeMaio Unveils Legislation to Change Voting on SANDAG Board to Give County Unincorporated Communities A Vote (AB 24)

“For far too long, SANDAG has been controlled by just two large cities who are hoarding the countywide funds for their failed inner-city transit projects while the rest of the county sees long-promised road projects get cancelled. AB 24 will help bring an end to that.”

WHATAsm. Carl DeMaio will unveil legislation (AB 24) that will allocate a voting board seat on SANDAG to representatives of unincorporated areas of San Diego County – a move designed to rebalance the power dynamics on the board of the controversial and corruption-prone transportation agency.

In supporting the need for changing the SANDAG board, DeMaio will slam the agency for a pattern of corruption, wasteful spending, and broken promises on overdue road projects. DeMaio will cite specific examples of county road projects ignored or cancelled by SANDAG, including:

  • Hwy 52 – failure to expand this clogged highway despite 25 years of broken promises
  • Hwy 67 – elimination of promised lane expansions; substitution of “bike lanes” for promised lanes for vehicles

WHO: State Asm. Carl DeMaio

Robin Maxson, San Diego County Association of Planning Groups

WHEN: Friday, March 21 at 10:30am

WHERE: In front of Asm. Carl DeMaio’s District Office, 9820 Willow Creek Road, San Diego CA 92131

SANDAG has repeatedly promised to fix our roads, but it is clear that it has all been a lie just to get voters to approve tax hikes.

For far too long, SANDAG has been controlled by just two large cities who are hoarding the countywide funds for their failed inner-city transit projects while the rest of the county sees long-promised road projects get cancelled.

To ensure SANDAG balances the needs of every part of our county, AB 24 will change the SANDAG board composition to finally give unincorporated communities a vote. In doing so we can ensure that the voice of all county residents will be heard when investments in infrastructure projects are debated in San Diego county.” – Asm. Carl DeMaio