DeMaio Asks Congressional Leaders to Impose Conditions on Federal Disaster Aid Tied to Force Improvements in Fire Preparedness and Disaster Management
CA State Representative Carl DeMaio (R-San Diego) has sent a letter to House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Majority Leader John Thune asking them to “stand their ground” on imposing strict conditions on any federal funding for disaster relief provided to California.
“While we all support federal funding to respond to disasters, it is also equally important to hold state and local officials accountable for fixing problems in state and local laws and management failures that contributed to a disaster,” DeMaio warns.
“A number of alarming revelations indicate gross negligence by California state and local officials contributed to the severity of this disaster – and we simply cannot trust California politicians to clean up their act unless we tie federal funds to clear reforms and accountability metrics,” says DeMaio.
“By imposing common-sense conditions, the federal government can use its leverage to force change in California – with the result being saving lives and protecting communities,” DeMaio says.
In his letter, DeMaio proposes that at least five conditions be imposed on California by Congressional leaders:
- Brush Management: Fund and execute brush removal on public lands managed by state and local government agencies, improve forest management practices, and eliminate regulations that prevent private property owners from creating defensible space
- Water Management: Ensure adequate supplies of water for emergencies
- Insurance Reform: Eliminate regulations that prevent the financial solvency of the insurance market – and work with the insurance industry to focus programs to reduce risk on areas that would encourage them to offer affordable coverage
- Utility Management: Ensure that power utilities are properly managed during emergencies – cutting power when necessary
- Firefighter Staffing: Achieve and maintain adequate staffing, eliminate woke programs that discourage recruitment and retention of qualified firefighters, and solve your homelessness crisis so firefighters aren’t overwhelmed by these problems
DeMaio says “California politicians and the liberal media have misrepresented the conditions raised by Speaker Johnson” and urges both Johnson and Thune to “stand their ground for the well-being of Californians.”
DeMaio notes that placing conditions on disaster relief will in no way delay funds being provided to fire victims and impacted communities – as funding would still be provided up front but California politicians would be on the hook to make good on implementing reforms or be forced to pay back the funds from the state’s general fund budget.
DeMaio is available by phone or zoom for interviews – or in-person at the State Capitol.
>> READ: See letter to House Speaker Johnson and Senate Majority Leader John Thune