In March the Legislature recessed due to the COVID-19 emergency. This recess was unprecedented in our history and underscored a critical problem. While California lawmakers continued to work from their districts, they cannot vote on legislation when they are unable to meet in Sacramento.
This week the California Assembly convened a historic meeting; one that has not happened in 25 years.  Called the “Committee of the Whole,” it is when the entire Assembly comes together to serve as an 80-member budget committee to address this deficit budget cycle.
It’s graduation time and unfortunately the events that our college and high school students, 8th graders, kindergarteners and many others have been eagerly working toward all year have been significantly impacted by the  COVID-19 pandemic, and that includes canceling traditional graduations and grad nights, school dances and other large gatherings.  These events and ceremonies are the focal point of the school year and of a student’s academic career. 
Governor Newsom's May Revise budget projection for the coming Fiscal Year shows that the $21 billion surplus we had has become a $54 billion deficit in our state budget!
Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron issued the following response to Gov. Gavin Newsom's revised budget proposal:    "The best way to fix this budget crisis is by helping people get back to work safely. If we can get employees back to work safely, receive some help from the federal government and make government more efficient to withstand future downturns, we will be able to protect jobs and public health and put California back on a path to prosperity that works for everyone." 
SACRAMENTO: Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron and other California leaders formally requested $1 trillion in federal aid today to assist states and local governments with looming budget crises as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. Waldron, as part of a coalition of western state officials led by Gov. Gavin Newsom, is requesting emergency funding to stave off deep cuts to essential services like hospitals, education, fire and police.
We all miss going out to eat, seeing our family dentist and sporting events.  Small businesses have taken a huge hit, and we must ensure they recover.  The Governor just released Phase 2 reopening, based on successes with social distancing and smoothing the curve.
Governor Newsom recently announced creation of the first-in-the-nation “Great Plates Delivered program,” which will partner with cities, counties and Tribes to deliver food to older adults.  
Governor Newsom recently created the California Task Force on Business and Jobs Recovery to get the economy growing again as quickly and safely as possible. As Assembly Minority Leader and a small business owner, I was honored to be selected as a member of this critical team.
SACRAMENTO - Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron has been appointed to Governor Gavin Newsom's newly-created Task Force on Business and Jobs Recovery The task force will be focused on California's economic recovery amid the COVID-19 crisis. Waldron, a small business owner, will serve along former governors, titans of industry and other leaders to help lead Californians through the long recovery ahead.