This year, the “House of Origin Deadline” was June 2nd, the final day for bills to pass the house in which they were first introduced. Any bills that failed to pass by the deadline have died.
May was Wildfire Preparedness Month, with the danger of wildfires increasing as we head into summer. Last winter’s record rainfall generated a massive amount of fuel throughout California, and San Diego County is no exception. Drive down almost any road in the backcountry and you’ll see overgrown and increasingly dry vegetation everyplace you look. Summer is coming, and the new growth is just waiting for a spark.
Last week was Wine Week in San Diego County, a celebration of the contributions our local vintners make to our economy and lifestyle. As a member of the Assembly Select Committee on Wine, I do all I can to support this vital part of San Diego’s agricultural industry, sustaining San Diego County’s position as the 19th largest farm economy in the United States. 
On Tuesday, May 9th, we recognized National Fentanyl Awareness Day. 
Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, employing well over 90% of California’s workers. As a small business owner, my experience coping with overbearing bureaucracy and unnecessary regulations were some of the main reasons I first ran for public office.
Millions of Californians live in Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs), many located in rural parts of the state, like in my district. Improving access to healthcare for those living in underserved areas has been a major focus for me in Sacramento.
One of my passions in public service is encouraging young women to fulfill their life’s potential by taking full advantage of available educational opportunities. As a member of the Legislative Women’s Caucus, I am happy to spread the word about the Minerva Scholarship program. Now in its fourth year, the scholarship was established by the Women in California Leadership Foundation to educate, support and empower young women and girls.
California has long been recognized for its unfriendly business climate. During the pandemic, a bad situation got worse when the state forced thousands of mostly small businesses to shut down, driving many companies into bankruptcy and forcing layoffs for thousands of workers. The last thing we need now are more laws imposing greater burdens on the businesses that survived, and in many cases are still trying to recover.
On March 28th,  the Native American Caucus held a hearing in Sacramento to discuss fentanyl’s impact on tribal communities and to raise awareness along with identifying solutions to the crisis.  As a member of the Caucus, I was extremely honored to take part in this eye-opening discussion.
Ensuring the well-being of our pets and wildlife is one of my big priorities in Sacramento. I am a trained Project Wildlife Native Songbird Rehabilitator, and my experience raising orphaned and injured songbirds and returning them to the wild has guided me in legislation I introduce and support. I’m happy to report that most of that legislation has been signed into law.