
Ensuring the well-being of all animals is one of my big priorities. Over the years I have introduced and supported bills that provide funding to care for native wildlife, protect wild horses and burros, limit unnecessary animal testing, and many more. This session, I introduced AB 829, which is currently pending in the Legislature. AB 829 expands counseling requirements for those on probation for animal cruelty, and gives judges discretion to order mental health evaluations based on trial evidence. Given established correlations between animal abuse, child abuse, domestic violence and other… read more
Bills that made it through the Senate and Assembly by the “House of Origin Deadline on June 2nd must pass a final floor vote by September 14, when we adjourn for the year. Approximately 1100 bills are currently pending in both houses and the Governor will have until October 14 to sign or veto everything that reaches his desk. This session I’m supporting several important healthcare-related bills. They include Senate Bill 635 (Senators Menjivar & Portantino), which requires health insurers to cover medically-necessary hearing aids for persons under 21 years old.  It’s estimated that two-… read more
Local fire departments are essential for public safety. By responding rapidly to wildfires and other emergencies, they save countless lives. Ensuring they have the means to perform this critical task has been a big priority for me in Sacramento. Through recent budget cycles, I have obtained almost $14 million for fire agencies in many parts of San Diego County. For example, I acquired funding for the Rincon Fire Department for a new brush fire apparatus and other badly needed upgrades. Just last week, I was invited to a community ceremony inaugurating the Valley Center Fire Protection… read more
Human trafficking is the second largest and fastest growing illicit industry, after drug trafficking. Worldwide, it’s estimated that there are over 40 million victims of human trafficking. 75% are women and girls, 25% are children. Recent studies indicate that San Diego County has become a human trafficking hub, and with up to 8,000 victims per year, it’s one of the country’s 13 worst human trafficking regions. Girls and women are frequent victims, but boys are often targeted. Up to 50% of trafficked children in the U.S. may be boys, and the average age of entry is between 11-13 years of age… read more
During the pandemic, the Employment Development Department (EDD) virtually collapsed, and legislative offices like mine stepped into the breach. My office alone handled over 3,000 unemployment cases. Solving that immediate crisis was critical for constituents needing their unemployment benefits, but the bill to cover those payments has come due. Twenty-two states, including California, were forced to borrow billions from the federal government because of a federal law requiring EDD claims to be paid whether or not states have the funds. Currently, California owes the federal government $18.9… read more
California’s $310.6 billion budget for the new Fiscal Year was approved in mid-June. Trailer bills that make specific funding allocations for state agencies and programs are receiving approval and in many cases are still under review. As often happens, politically expedient wants are often placed above essentials. For example, spending plans still include $4.2 billion for the high-speed rail boondoggle. Even so, the budget contains positives that I was pleased to support. Chief among these are funding to improve usability and safety of existing dams. Even though the measure inexplicably… read more
As the Assembly representative for the 75th District, which includes the eastern and northern two-thirds of San Diego County, I’m reaching out to let you know about the services available through my District Office (DO). My staff and I are honored and excited to represent you, and to provide any assistance you may need when dealing with state agencies. Navigating the state’s bureaucracy can be a challenge, and helping people bypass the busy signals and long wait times is an important function of my DO. The most common issues involve problems with agencies like the Department of Motor… read more
As Vice Chair of the Assembly Emergency Management Committee, I participated in a Joint Informational Hearing with the Assembly Insurance Committee on June 14. Discussions involved the current crisis facing the state’s insurance industry, specifically related to wildfires and the usefulness of Catastrophe Modeling to assess risks for homeowners. Catastrophe modeling is a combination of modeling catastrophe footprint on exposures and linking them to insurance and reinsurance business activities. The process uses computer-assisted calculations to estimate the losses that could be sustained due… read more
The 75th Assembly District, which I am honored to represent in Sacramento, covers the largely rural eastern two-thirds of San Diego County, and is home to much of our agricultural areas and tribal governments. Unfortunately, much of that area lies within a Very High Fire Risk Severity zone and needs reliable, sustainable water infrastructure. Given our region’s vulnerability to recurring droughts, diminishing groundwater resources and wildfires, I am very pleased to support AB 1567 (Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia, D-Coachella, and others). Once approved by voters, projects including wildfire… read more
On June 7, California’s annual Nonprofits Day ceremony was held on the South Lawn of the State Capitol. The ceremony salutes nonprofits that do so much to improve our communities and enhance our lives. This year, 113 nonprofits from throughout California were honored. For a full list of honorees by region, please click here. I was very pleased to recognize the Southern Indian Health Council (SIHC), based in Alpine, as the 75th Assembly District’s Nonprofit of the Year for 2023. SIHC serves seven local tribes in southeast San Diego County, including Barona, Campo, Ewiiaapaayp, Jamul, La Posta… read more